Should You Include Contract Terms in Your PPC Proposal?

My business partner and I debate about this more often than I care to admit. We should probably run a split test on it and see which of our PPC proposals closes more deals.

The answer to this question really depends on what you see is the ultimate purpose of a proposal. One school of thought, and also mine, is to use the proposal as a sales tool. I’ve always seen a proposal as a representation of what my company can do for you. Ultimately, I feel the job of  a proposal is to act as a rebuttal to the initial request from a prospect. Or as a loose blueprint for how I can get your company more business.

My partner, on the other hand, sees it as an all-encompassing packet of information that many times is compared apples-to-apples against other proposals. That, to him, is why he feels including contract terms in your pay-per-click proposal is a must. So it stands a better chance of answering all possible questions while being compared to other proposals. Now that I write this out, it seems like a valid point.

We’ve actually been using Better Proposal’s proposal builder lately for handling all of that. The template we’ve been using comes with a contract built-in, if you need that. We did replace it with our own. Mostly because we paid an small fortune for ours. So I guess we might as well use it 😉

I’d like to hear what you think about the question at hand. Do you include your contract terms in your proposal or not?

Jeff Purcell

I've been managing pay-per-click accounts for clients for the better part of a decade. I've had to learn the hard way on what works best when trying to grow my PPC client base. A quality proposal is the keystone to gaining new business and I'm here to help you hone yours.

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